Case Study #4: A Managed Behavioral Health Organization in Crisis.
A managed behavioral health organization (MBHO) contacted MHR as the CEO had experience with MHR’s ability to put all-hands-on-deck to pull organizations through crisis.
A managed behavioral health organization (MBHO) contacted MHR as the CEO had experience with MHR’s ability to put all-hands-on-deck to pull organizations through crisis periods, and this was a crisis as their survey was six weeks away. A team of MHR consultants reviewed all documents and conducted a file review. Many strategies and workgroup meetings were held to position the organization for the highest score. MHR packaged the disparate documents into one cohesive document for each Element to “tell the story” for the surveyors. Again, MHR consultants worked their magic with the divide and conquer mentality, and the all-hands-on-deck approach, with all available consultants assisting with document review, file review for all standards, document preparation, and file preparation.
There had been anticipation of an ongoing corrective action plan for some must-pass standards. However, this did not occur. The score was much higher than anticipated and the MBHO was quite satisfied with the results. The Statement of Work was expanded three times to incorporate ongoing work with the organization to assist in developing needed infrastructure and conducting information staff training to make sure that the organization did not find themselves in the same situation as before. The MBHO initially desired to have formal MHR training on all the NCQA MBHO standards, but budget cuts determined that it could not occur.
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