Over 100 organizations have relied on MHR for NCQA Accreditation consultation, resulting in a 100% success rate. Our proprietary tools, templates, and training are available for purchase for MHR’s clients and non-clients.
After reviewing each section, select your desired items and hit enter. Â You will be taken to our invoice and check-out process.Â
Unsure of what you need? Ask your MHR Consultant or send us an email.
Questions? Email UsWhy MHR?
MHR is the only NCQA Consulting firm that offers guides, tools, and templates to assist you throughout your NCQA Accreditation journey. With our expert consultation, coaching for SMEs, and organizational training, we are committed to transferring our knowledge to you.
Instead of taking a "do it yourself" approach, explore the resources we have developed and refined over the past 30+ years and continue to update.
What is Available?
As you peruse the lists, some of what you will find are:
- Informative Guides for data collection
- User-friendly Tools with tables for data entry
- Analysis Templates that walk you through detailed steps of analysis
- File Review Prep Guides for bookmarking, prepping files, and setting up PDFs
- File Review Audit Tools that help you assess each file review factor for Credentialing/Recredentialing, Population Health Management/Complex Case Management, and Utilization Management Denials and Appeals
- Suites of tools and templates for Population Health Management and Delegation that offer a comprehensive set of items
MHR Tools and Templates
- Across Standards
- Credentialing & Recredentialing (CR/RR)
- Delegation
- File Review Audit Tools
- File Review Prep Guides
- Gap Assessments (Included with MHR Consulting)
- Health Equity (HE)
- Long-term Services and Supports (LTSS)
- Member Experience (ME)
- Model of Care (MOC)
- Network Management (NET)
- Population Health Management (PHM)/Population Health Program (PHP)
- Quality Improvement (QI)
- Successful Survey
- Utilization Management (UM)
Your Staff is Your Top Priority!
Sustain your NCQA Accreditation by investing in your staff with the most up-to-date NCQA standards and insights from our Consultants on implementing requirements across your organization. Â
What’s more, our train-the-trainer session for mock file reviews gives your team what is needed to keep a close watch on your operations.
Organizations new to NCQA or uncertain of their optimal staffing mix benefit from our consultative Staffing Assessment, which provides a customized evaluation of your current staffing levels and what is needed long-term.
Please contact your MHR Consultant or email us.Â