health equity accreditation Apr 13, 2023


Another NCQA accreditation?  Don’t we already have one? Is this required? Aren’t we already doing this?”

Is this conversation, or something similar, transpiring in your organization?  MHR knows that taking on any type of accreditation, such as NCQA Health Equity (HE) Accreditation, is a large undertaking, which is why we have developed our Health Equity training and consulting services to meet your needs.

Let’s look at five considerations that will help you decide your path forward.

I.       Is NCQA HE Accreditation required:

∟ By your state?

∟ By your parent company?

Find your state on States Using NCQA Programs, along with checking your state’s site for its rules and regulations on health equity.

II.     Is your leadership supportive of the time and effort it takes to attain accreditation?

∟ Yes

∟ No

If you intend to pursue an Initial Survey, plan at least one year in advance. Having buy-in from the top and the motivation to accomplish accreditation along with competing organizational priorities are needed.  

 III.    Do you have a cross-functional team dedicated to advancing health equity at your organization?

∟ Yes

∟ No

If you only want the accreditation specialist at the table with the consultant and quality/HEDIS people to write policies and reports, then no, you do not have the right team to advance health equity! To commit to the intent of NCQA’s Health Equity standards to achieve meaningful results can take a village from individuals inside and outside your organization.  

IV.    What data does your organization have that supports NCQA’s standards?

∟ State Medicaid data from daily enrollment files

∟ Data on race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation

∟ Language data for preferred and spoken

∟ Demographic data by zip code

∟ Other

Even if your organization does not have State Medicaid data, you already may be collecting data because of NCQA’s long support of reducing healthcare disparities, which has evolved to promoting health equity.

 V.    Have your documented processes been in existence for at least six months for an Initial Survey?

∟ Yes

∟ No

Perhaps you are already doing some of the work required by the standards, but your documented processes are not in place. Be cautious of the timing of your survey and your look-back periods.



  • Your documented processes must be in place six months prior to an Initial Survey.
  • Three critical factors are within the HE Accreditation standards.
  • You must have sufficient data to analyze and act on for improvement prior to your survey.
  • All data paths, as appropriate, should be considered in addition to enrollment information, such as from health management programs, surveys, and case management.
  • Materials and reports are needed for annual training.
  • Delegation Agreements are needed for any delegated activity.


How can MHR assist?

When attempting any new NCQA accreditation, you want partners like MHR who have the expertise to help you maneuver through a survey. We work with all types of Organizations.

Your need for Training on the HE Accreditation standards can be met by gathering your team together to hear the same information, which ultimately could save you time and effort in meeting your goals as accountabilities and priorities are discussed.



NCQA’s Health Equity Accreditation Programs


Call to Action

  • Verify your state’s and company’s requirements for Health Equity Accreditation
  • Contact MHR in time to meet your look-back periods

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